March 17, 2005


95年、FROGMAN RECORDSのKEN=GO→、佐藤大のDJ に感銘を受け、ダンスという意味でのテクノに開眼。1997年ごろから野外レイヴの自然・朝日・開放感の魅力に取り憑かれ、特に2000年8月に茅ヶ崎で行われたbalearic sun rise Free style Beach Partyに感動し、現在の活動の構想・方向性を決める。


In 1995 KEN=GO→DJ Sato of FROGMAN RECORDS was impressive, and reinvented Dance Techno music. From around 1997, he enjoyed outdoor, morning raves especially at the Balearic sunrise Free style Part in Chigasaki in August 2000 which gave him the direction for his current activities. He is also currently actively playing at many parties around Tokyo. He is now managing SUN-UP productions and controls the MIX-CD concepts and distribution.

Author: msoy