UNI MACCHOのソロプロジェクト。TRANCEに METAL、HARDCORE、TECHNO をFEEDBACK。NOISEYなSOUND をMINIMALにBUILD UP していくライブパフォーマンスに可能性をみいだし、またそれが高い支持を得ている要因のひとつでもある。UNIとして3 枚のアルバムを発表。その他、DOMINOのnew albumでも2曲コラボレートするなど多彩な活動を行っている。

This is the solo project of MACCHO (UNI).This is the result of fusion of METAL, HARDCORE and TECHNO with TRANCE.The aim was to make MINIMAL TECHNO with LOUD SOUND which was discovered during a live performance.During the live performance the music gained an audience of supporters which drive him to continue this style. He also released 3 albums as UNI. In addition, he collaborated on 2 tracks with DJ DOMINO on her new album.

Author: msoy